Also I have gout very painful sometimes I get it in my ankles sometimes toe sometimes knees it doesn’t stay in one spot it comes from eating too much rich foods like seafood mainly shellfish and a lot of red meat alcohol what we in the United States call rich foods. Once you get it you will never forget it and you will have to take medications to keep it under control and sadly you eat a lot of seafood and you drink alcohol so the chances of you getting it are very high. Take care of yourself and just take my advice sometimes when I get out it is so bad I cannot walk and it will last for a week or more without proper medical intervention.
I was born in the Southern United States we used to catch catfish that were upwards of four feet long we never ate the skin. it is one of my favorite. But we prepare them differently. I would like to try the sweet and sour catfish and I will but I will not give up my roots. You need to prepare catfish the way we had many generations.
This was fascinating. I have never seen a catfish with such an eel-like tail. Amazing talent at filleting. Completely thought he would need a spike too.Where I am, catfish is usually thicker and tastes very good.
金子ぉォ 親が痛風になったんなら 金子もこのまま行けば痛風になります。遺伝だから❗31か32歳辺りからがやばいから 魚の卵と干した魚は避けるようにしないと激痛が来るよ 後 ビール 酒もヤバいよ‼️ 気をつけよお 痛風になってからじゃ遅い 一生ものだから😱
こんど ハクレンをおいしく料理開発お願いします
I recommend you to check for Indonesian recipe if you ever get another cat fish, the Indonesian is a pro at handling cat fish
Also I have gout very painful sometimes I get it in my ankles sometimes toe sometimes knees it doesn’t stay in one spot it comes from eating too much rich foods like seafood mainly shellfish and a lot of red meat alcohol what we in the United States call rich foods. Once you get it you will never forget it and you will have to take medications to keep it under control and sadly you eat a lot of seafood and you drink alcohol so the chances of you getting it are very high. Take care of yourself and just take my advice sometimes when I get out it is so bad I cannot walk and it will last for a week or more without proper medical intervention.
I was born in the Southern United States we used to catch catfish that were upwards of four feet long we never ate the skin. it is one of my favorite. But we prepare them differently. I would like to try the sweet and sour catfish and I will but I will not give up my roots. You need to prepare catfish the way we had many generations.
This was fascinating. I have never seen a catfish with such an eel-like tail. Amazing talent at filleting. Completely thought he would need a spike too.Where I am, catfish is usually thicker and tastes very good.